Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Just in time for Halloween. Enjoy this freebie!

Puss in boots, The movie: Trailer

Dreamworks is releasing their spin off Sherk film, Puss in Boots this weekend. I always find animated films fascinating. Even if the story is not great, I always admire the set design, character development, compositions, action moves, and so many other creative characteristics.  The special effects have gotten so much better over the years. I've seen some movies where I'm in awe over the details such as the hair, or wind, or feathers.

I'm sure I'll enjoy this next film...

Thursday, October 20, 2011

October Mailer - Illustration Process

This is the second mailer we as a group created over at Once Upon A Sketch and the second time I create a video documenting my process. It still has not background sound, but I slowed it down a bit from my last one. I’m trying to keep them short. I still start all my drawings with pencil and paper and then scan the drawing and work from it. Sometimes I make adjustments in Photoshop by making some characters bigger or smaller, or moving them around to make the composition more interesting. The video shows how I take the final sketch and color it. I hope you enjoy the video.

And here’s a picture of the final piece.