Monday, December 15, 2008

and the winners are...

This was my first giveaway! Thanks to everyone who participated. I really loved reading all of your stories! Some of the stories that stood out to me:
  1. Deborah - Your story about your son being your favorite gift, really brought tears to my eyes. So touching! 
  2. Kate- I'm glad you still have "Shnoop". My kids still have their favorite 'blankie' and 'bear' but they are still little! We'll see as they get older!
  3. Eric- My favorite part about the holidays is family gatherings and the warmth and love that comes with it. I've found that now that I have my children, as long as we are all together, my heart is warm even if extended family is far away!
  4. Alicia- What a great gift! and soooo romantic! travel tickets to Lake Tahoe! wow!
  5. Chris- A selfless gift. So honorable and caring especially at times like now, where so many families are in need. You have inspired me to give more to my community.  I heard that the Salvation Army ran out of presents for the kids. We all need to give a little more, if we can.
...and now to the winners:

My son picks: K. SPOERING

My daughter picks: ALICIA PADRON

My son picks: BELLA SINCLAIR
CONGRATULATIONS WINNERS!!!! Now, please email me your info so I can get the card in the mail asap!


Unknown said...

congrats to all th ewonderful winners!!!!


Alicia Padrón said...

Yay!!! Thank you sooo much!!! I'm so happy :o)
Merry Christmas Edrian and little ones :o)

Bella Sinclair said...

No way, no way!!! OOooooh, I'm so excited! Thank you so very much, Edrian. And kiss those darling kids of yours for me!

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

HORRAY to all the wonderful winners. This is just great! Thanks so much for coming by and visiting.